10 Effective Tips to Improve Your Music Marketing
The main challenge for any artist in the music industry is to get enough exposure to reach the ears of as many listeners as possible. This task is not easy; it implies great dedication and constant effort.
“Marketing is the second most important thing after making music; without good marketing, it would be impossible to reach new audiences.”
The best part? A good music marketing strategy can get you where you want to be as an artist. So, get to work! Discover these 10 effective tips to improve your music marketing and practice them, so your music is heard everywhere.
Build Your Fan Base
Having true fans is one of the most important factors in consolidating your career; having a large base of loyal and active fans is like having an army of music promoters. Sometimes we believe that the positioning of our music should happen organically, through a natural affinity with listeners. And yes, of course, this is true, but with so much music on offer and so much competition, we cannot sit idly by and wait for the fans to come to us.
Most emerging musicians have to deal with anonymity and have to build their relationships with new audiences from scratch. Getting those first hardcore fans can be tough, but it’s all up to you. Find out what makes you unique and how you can project that authenticity to genuinely connect with people and make them become fans of you and what you do. Be verified, keep them informed of your projects, and involve them.
Do Paid Social Media Advertising
One of the most important forces we have in our society is the power of digital marketing. It allows us to advertise our new songs to markets that previously cost us thousands of dollars to reach through paid radio promotion, endless tours, billboards, magazines, etc. Now, with a few clicks, we can reach new fans in very simple ways.
Just open a Facebook business account, Instagram account, or TikTok account and start advertising. The path is not so simple, you have to know how to carry out marketing campaigns, but I can tell you something: with an interaction and a conversion campaign, you can go as far as you want.
I know friends who have done campaigns with very little money, with excellent results. If you are interested in more about the subject, search on YouTube for how to make an effective Facebook Ads campaign for the launch of your music.
Play Live
The pandemic prevented all musicians from having the possibility of performing at live events. But now that everything seems to be coming to an end, the concerts are back stronger than ever. A new modality that I am seeing is that now you can do a concert and offer the physical ticket and the streaming ticket. Wow, that’s cool, right? Now you can sell your tickets by both means. Take advantage of this new way of presenting yourself live to generate more fans and interaction with your audience.
Have Your Own Website
It can be tempting not to have a website because social media seems to do it all, can’t it? When you want to take your career seriously and show a professional image, having a website gives you that extra edge to be above your competition.
The last time Facebook shut down for some minutes really showed us that our networks are not ours. Your work needs to have solid support.
Your website should be a space that reflects your music, your personality, and the artist you are. Include your biography; let people know more about you, your story, the path you’ve traveled, and your aspirations. It’s a great way to connect with people who have an interest in your career. Always include samples of your music and a section to announce relevant news, such as future tours and new releases. A store of your merchandise, contact information, and links to your social networks.
In addition, you can use it as a lead magnet so that people who visit your website leave their data when signing up for your newsletter. It’s your website, exploit it and personalize it to the fullest.
Design an Electronic Press Kit EPK
An electronic press kit is an online resume that is intended to get you hired, gain press recognition, and allow you to be contacted by managers, record labels, event organizers, agents, advertisers, potential partners, or investors. Like we do when we try to sell our knowledge and experience to a company to hire us.
The text of an EPK has to reflect your personality and be aimed at a specific audience.
Oh yes, people want to know everything about an artist. In your EPK, you can also include a biography where you explain who you are, where you come from, what you have done, what instruments you play, and collaborations with other artists. Do not forget to include professional photographs, preferably downloadable.
Take the opportunity and remember that love is born from sight, do not forget to include a video of some of your presentations so that interested people can see you in action. Your EPK can be a landing page or a section of your website; you can even protect it with a password. Don’t forget to have a printed version, just in case.
Create Interactive Content
Use all the interactive tools at your disposal to improve and strengthen the loyalty of your fans. Interactive content increases your audience’s engagement, as it offers the opportunity to participate, make decisions, and be heard and validated. There is no better way to strengthen the relationship with your fans than to make them feel important.
There are many options for interactive content, from spinning a wheel to getting a prize, a quiz, polls, games, and interactive videos. A very popular way to promote your music is with choreography on TikTok, where you encourage your fans to create and imitate dances with your music in the background and make it go viral.
Make it fun, put that extra something to your content, make it so original that people share it because they love it and want others to enjoy it too, and let them make the noise for you.
Have a presence on as many platforms as possible. Music is a universal language, so don’t just limit yourself to certain platforms where you think your potential listeners are. A good song is a good song, and anyone can like it regardless of their profile.
Look for More Connections
Email marketing campaigns to promote your music are very effective. Statistically, a fan is more likely to open an email from an artist they follow than other types of marketing emails. Therefore, always encourage your fans to sign up for your newsletter.
A new subscriber is the equivalent of a potential customer in a traditional business; they can passively generate income if they play your music frequently, buy your merchandise, tickets for your concerts, etc.
Building a strong community leads you to earn money through them.
Don’t let your marketing emails become simple and boring virtual flyers; share something your fans find valuable. You can do many dynamics, offer rewards, discounts on your merchandise, raffles for a Meet & greet, exclusive pre-sales, etc.
Experiment with the frequency of the emails you send and choose what gives you the best open rate so you can verify the effectiveness of your music email marketing.
Spotify Playlists
Your goal is to conquer new audiences, for your music to be heard massively, and for people to wonder, who sings that song? I love it!
Spotify is the most popular music platform in the world, with 365 million active monthly users; every artist’s dream is to appear in the most popular playlists since they represent a third of the listening time on the platform.
Being added to playlists that have a large following can quickly get you publicity to hundreds, even thousands of people. Simply find playlists that contain your style of music, and contact the creator of the playlist directly through social networks or the platform you are using.
Start Local
Yes, having a huge list of fans worldwide is every artist’s dream, but don’t forget that you have to start somewhere and work your way up. Start by having presence and recognition in your city. How can you do this? Get in touch with people in the media, be a part of cultural festivals, participate in contests, approach radio stations, television programs, and whatever project you have. Being selective but opening your mind to overcome insecurities, there is no room for shyness around here.
Design Your Own Merchandise
I know you’re thinking, I’m not famous enough yet to sell a shirt with my face and name on it. Well, your merchandise can be very good and even become a famous clothing line like Beyoncé’s Ivy Park in collaboration with Adidas; many musicians have a talent for design. But if that’s not your thing or you just have too much to do, you can find someone to help you create amazing merchandise that reflects your style and personality. It will be an important part of your marketing strategy for positioning your brand as an artist.
There is no correct or perfect way to reach the top in music, but you must consider that the more strategies you integrate that complement each other, the greater the chances of achieving your goals.
If you don’t have time or feel handling your music’s marketing is too much, you can always hire us to help, but please don’t put it aside. It’s just as important as the quality of your music.