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Demystifying the Music Money Maze: A Guide to Royalties

Congratulations! You’ve just entered the fascinating world of music royalties, where creativity is rewarded. But with all those terms like “mechanical” and “synchronization,” things can get confusing fast. Fear not, aspiring musician, for this guide will be your compass, navigating you through the intricacies of royalties and ensuring you get your fair share of the…

Navigating the Musical Maze Finding the Perfect Music Management Partner

Navigating the Musical Maze: Finding the Perfect Music Management Partner

Breaking into the music industry can feel like wandering a labyrinth of flashing lights and booming sound systems. A skilled music management company acts as your compass, guiding you towards your musical goals. But with countless firms vying for your attention, how do you find the one that truly resonates with your sound and vision?…

Hitting the Right Notes: Your Guide to a Roaring Music Tour

The stage lights are calling, and your music’s ready to ignite, but how do you fill those seats and transform your tour from a dream into a sold-out spectacle? Fear not, fellow musician, for this guide is your backstage pass to promotional prowess. Social Media Symphony These days, social media is your groupie chorus, amplifying…

The Social Media Playbook: Winning Strategies for Sports Marketing

Forget shouting from the sidelines – in today’s sports world, social media is the MVP. It’s the direct line connecting teams, athletes, and fans, fostering a loyal and engaged community. From exclusive content to real-time interaction, social media offers a treasure trove of opportunities for sports marketers to score big. Let’s dive into the game…

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Strategy Consultation and Finding Success in the Digital Space During this Pandemic Time

In ‘usual’ days, any organization knows how to pilot new digital initiatives, but very few do so at the size and pace unexpectedly demanded by the crisis of COVID-19. That’s because the consumer and business fines for widespread “test and learn” can appear too high in regular times, and the organizational barriers are too steep.…

5 Reasons Why the Music/Sports/Entertainment Industry Needs the Magic of Media Solutions

If we like, we can always browse our media and movies in an old-fashioned way by reading paper magazines and viewing TV shows on our TV sets. But due to the Internet and the growth of online content, through laptops, smartphones, tablets, and eBook readers, media and entertainment are now open to the consumers 24/7. Wherever…

What to Expect When Hiring a Talent Management Specialist?

Have you been looking for that big break to achieve your dreams and have your art displayed for the world to see? Hiring a talent management specialist might just be that key to give you your big break. Or do you need someone who can handle all the formalities that come with event booking and exposure,…

5 Reasons Why You Need to Hire a Brand Marketing Agency

Thinking of taking your business to another level, but you don’t know which route to follow?  Hiring a brand marketing agency might just be the solution to your problem. Their sole purpose is giving your business a better look and getting more eyes on your business. Branding and marketing are crucial to any business because,…


EPS VS. ALBUMS: KNOW THE DIFFERENCE In an industry as bustling and saturated as the music industry, it can be hard to get on your feet. There are thousands of singles and playlists out there battling it out to become a top hit and, obviously, only a select amount can succeed. When looking at the…

the Original Motion Picture, Released Worldwide

“Therapy,” the Original Motion Picture, Released Worldwide From executive producer, LINDSAY GUIÓN, Therapy is a motion picture that was released on August 30, 2019. Featuring singer, songwriter, and actor Barachi, who is represented by GUIÓN PARTNERS, the film follows a weaving and winding tale of lovers who find themselves caught in a web of obsession,…

Role of Technology on Modern Marketing Agencies

Role of Technology on Modern Marketing Agencies Technology has changed everything that we do. It has absolutely revolutionized many facets of our modern industries, creating a wholly new way of doing business for many markets. Let’s explore the role of technology in modern marketing agencies and see if we can better understand the overall impact…

LINDSAY GUIÓN Details How Social Media and Streaming Technology Can Help Distribute Content Seamlessly

LINDSAY GUIÓN Details How Social Media and Streaming Technology Can Help Distribute Content Seamlessly As a multi-decade veteran of the music industry, LINDSAY GUIÓN knows better than most what it takes to succeed within the music industry and entertainment marketplace as a whole. He, himself, found success but also noticed a definite hole in the…

LINDSAY GUIÓN on the Future of Connecting with People

LINDSAY GUIÓN on the Future of Connecting with People With the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, we have collectively experienced unprecedented changes in the way we interact with people and go about our daily lives. While the orders to stay at home have impacted businesses and forced us towards a looming potential economic downturn, people…

6 Technologies that Re-invented the Music Industry

6 Technologies that Re-invented the Music Industry The music industry is an ever-evolving, always changing entity that never stops moving and adapting. Music connects with us on a deep level and always seems to have offerings for us, regardless of the economic, social, or political climate that we may currently live in. This ability to…

How To Effectively Create, Market, Distribute, And Manage Content In The Digital Age

How To Effectively Create, Market, Distribute, And Manage Content In The Digital Age The world is changing. In many ways, it is an expected change that is very much necessary. Still, there is some adapting to do in order for us to begin to progress in this new space. This is especially true for producing…

How Streaming Services Revolutionized the Sports Industry

How Streaming Services Revolutionized the Sports Industry: In our modern, often overly exaggerated world, a lot of words that once held a lot of power are losing their meaning due to being misused so often. By definition, the word “revolutionized” means, “to change radically.” It was initially used to describe sweeping political changes, like the…